October 20, 2014

In first period, the Governor marked our organization skills by checking our lockers, agendas and binders. However, only eight students got ‘good’ or ‘excellent’. Hopefully we’ll have a better result next time!

In Math, the grade sevens resumed their calculations of the area of the walls. The grade eights continued questions 12 b) and 15, and began question 16. These questions are homework if you have not already completed them.

In Physical Education, we began our net/wall unit, and practiced bumping and setting volleyballs.

In History, grade eights worked on their history projects while the grade sevens made organizers for the Seven Years’ War. We reviewed this as an entire class later. This brought up the question, ‘what was the position of a Marquis in colonial France?’, and the Governor asked us to search it up.

In French, one group presented and we began a new project, on the text ‘Une Client difficile’.

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